Takamura ha Shindō Yōshin Ryū Seminar with Toby Threadgill (USA)
Kaicho and Menkyo Kaiden Takamura ha Shindō Yōshin Ryū
Shindō Yōshin Ryū (SYR) is a Koryu school founded in 1864 by Matsuoka Katsunosuke. An authorized branch lineage, the Ohbata/Takamura lineage, is led today as Takamura Ha Shindo Yoshin Ryū (TSYR) by Toby Threadgill as Kaicho and Menkyo Kaiden. SYR was fundamental in the founding of Wadō Ryū. The founder of Wadō Ryū, Hironori Otsuka, studied SYR under a licensed instructor named Tatsusaburō Nakayama.
The TSYR Seminar in Berlin
From February 14 - 16, 2025 an open TSYR seminar with Toby Threadgill sensei took place in Berlin. Threadgill sensei was assisted by Marco Pinto, Jürgen Buchwald and Patrick Peschke.
A total of 85 participants - 43 TSYR members and 41 Wadō Ryū and Shito Ryū karateka - from Germany, France, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Britain, Italy and Turkey trained and learned together.
Thank you
It was an honor and a pleasure for our TSYR Seishinkan Dojo and the Berlin Karate Association to host this open TSYR Seminar. Thank you Toby Threadgill sensei for your excellent teaching and thank you to all the participants for this weekend of joy and friendship.
Christina Gutz
JKF Wado-Kai Course led by Shuzo Imai and Christina Gutz February 01 and 02, 2025 in Budapest
It was an honor and pleasure for me to lead this JKF Wado-Kai Course again together with Imai sensei. More than 250 Wado karateka took part in this JKF Wado-Kai training course, including around 80 Dan holders. The JKF Wado-Kai Dan examination (1st to 4th Dan) was passed by 20 candidates.
My appreciation goes to the coaches for their great work and to the participants for their commitment to learning. It was particularly impressive to see the children's high level of concentration and their enthusiasm for our Wado karate.
It was wonderful to see all the Hungarian Wado Karateka again and to deepen our friendship. My special thanks to Ágnes Geburth and Csaba Gali for their warm hospitality and for organizing this course.
Christina Gutz
JKF Wado-Kai Karate-Seminar with Niko Utriainen (6th Dan JKF Wado-Kai) 15 – 17 November 2024 in Berlin
Our thanks go to Niko Utriainen for his good teaching and thanks to ProSport 24 e. V. and KCN e. V. for the organization.
Wado ryu seminar with Christina Gutz (7th Dan Wado ryu), Dr Nico Ruf (5th Dan Wado ryu) and Murat Salbas (6th Dan SOK) on 13.10.2024 in Berlin
Thank you to all participants of our Wado ryu seminar in Berlin. It was a pleasure to train with you. We are also pleased that you liked our concept and training, in which we taught connecting principles between selected partner kata, kata and kaisetsu as well as free fighting in Wado ryu.
Christina Gutz
Wado Pentecost Seminar 2024 in Berlin
110 Wado karateka from Austria, Belgium, Finland and Germany and a large group from Hungary met for the traditional Wado Pentecost Seminar 2024 in Berlin. The seminar was led by Shuzo Imai, 9th Dan Wado Ryu, Takamasa Arakawa, 6th Dan JKF Wado-Kai, Bernd Alscher, 7th Dan Wado Ryu, and Christina Gutz, 7th Dan Wado Ryu.
This Wado seminar was characterized by high motivation and concentration of all participants and by the fun that participants and instructors shared during the entire seminar.
JKF Wado-Kai Course 17., 18.02.2024 led by Shuzo Imai and Christina Gutz in Budapest
What a great joy: More than 300 Wado-Karateka took part in the JKF Wado-Kai training course in Budapest, including around 100 Dan holders! 19 candidates passed the JKF Wado-Kai Dan examinations from 1st - 5th Dan.
Takamura ha Shindō Yōshin Ryū Seminar with Toby Threadgill (USA)
Kaicho and Menkyo Kaiden Takamura ha Shindō Yōshin Ryū
Shindō Yōshin Ryū (SYR) is a Koryu school founded in 1864 by Matsuoka Katsunosuke. An authorized branch lineage, the Ohbata/Takamura lineage, is led today as Takamura Ha Shindo Yoshin Ryū (TSYR) by Toby Threadgill as Kaicho and Menkyo Kaiden. SYR was fundamental in the founding of Wadō Ryū. The founder of Wadō Ryū, Hironori Otsuka, studied SYR under a licensed instructor named Tatsusaburō Nakayama.
TSYR Seminar in Berlin
From November 17 - 19, 2023 an open TSYR seminar with Toby Threadgill Sensei took place in Berlin. Threadgill Sensei was assisted by Brent Carey (Colorado, USA), Marco Pinto (Santarem, Portugal) and Eric Winters (California, USA).
A total of 106 participants - 60 TSYR members and 46 Wado Ryu and Shito Ryu karateka - from Germany, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Britain, Italy, Canada and Hungary trained and learned together.
The training was divided into two groups: TSYR members and guests. The focus was on kihon and selected kata from Taijutsu no Maki and, for TSYR members, also kata from Buki no Maki such as Batto.
Christina Gutz
Here are some impressions (Photos: Christoph Burmeister):
Awarding of the JKF Wadokai Dan certificates by Shimura Sensei to Dr. Nico Ruf and Helge Müller at the JKF Wadokai Seminar in Liège (Belgium) in October 2023
Dr. Nico Ruf passed the JKF Wadokai examination for 5th Dan on 29.05.2023 in Berlin (examination board: Shimura, Imai, Harte, Gutz, Utriainen)
Helge Müller passed the JKF Wadokai examination for 5th Dan on 09.09.2023 in Weinfelden (examination board: Shimura, Ito, Shinohara, Kohata, Kobayashi)
Wado Pentecost Seminar 2023 with JKF Wado Kai and DKV Dan Examinations in Berlin
Once again the international Wado family met at our Wado Pentecost Course from May 26 - 29, 2023 in Berlin. The seminar was led by Koichi Shimura (Chairman JKF Wado-Kai Technical Committee, 8th Dan JKF Wado Kai) and Shuzo Imai (9th Dan Wado Ryu DKV, 7th Dan JKF Wado Kai). We were all very happy about the reunion and the training with a total of 130 participants from Belgium, England, Estonia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Hungary.
JKF Wado-Kai Course with Shuzo Imai and Christina Gutz 28., 29.01.2023 in Budapest with more than 250 participants!
It was an honor and pleasure for me to lead this course again together with Imai Sensei. My respect goes to the trainers for their outstanding work with their groups of children. It was wonderful to see all the Hungarian Wado Karateka again and to deepen our friendship. My special thanks to Csaba Gali and his family and to Ágnes Geburth for their warm hospitality and for organizing this course. / Christina Gutz
Wado Ryu Kids Special 2022 in Berlin with Christina Gutz, Murat Salbas and Yasin Karaca
56 children from five Berlin Wado Ryu clubs (Karate Club Wedding, Toruku, Katana/TSV Rudow, Ikigai, Karate Club Nord) were there with joy at the second "Wado Ryu - Kids Special", on September 17, 2022.
Through this course, the children aged 5 years to 13 years (9. - 5. Kyu) got an insight into the diversity of Wado ryu and were introduced to courses and tournaments. In joint training and in two groups the children practiced in small steps the basics of Wado ryu and free fighting. Christina Gutz (consultant Wado ryu within BKV, 7th Dan Wado ryu), Murat Salbas (national trainer kumite, 5th Dan SOK) and Yasin Karaca (national trainer kumite, 3rd Dan SOK) taught the children partner exercises for competition kumite starting from the dynamic kihon exercises. They were supported by Antje Engel (Toruko), Bernd Alscher (Nippon), Doris Reitemeyer (Nippon), Till Engel (Toruko) and Uwe Meissner (KCN). At the end there were tired but happy children.
We are already looking forward to the second Wado Ryu - Kids Special in 2023!
Wado Pentecost Seminar 2022 with JKF Wado Kai and DKV Dan Examinations in Berlin
Finally training together again!
What a great joy - after three years of pandemic break the international Wado family met at our Wado Pentecost Seminar in Berlin. Koichi Shimura (8th Dan JKF Wado Kai) and Shuzo Imai (9th Dan Wado Ryu DKV, 7th Dan JKF Wado Kai) were also very happy about the reunion with the 140 participants from Belgium, England, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland.
At the Dan examinations on June 6, 2022 have passed:
JKF Wado Kai
5th Dan: Lene Abild Fabricius (Denmark), Maija Laaksonen (Finland), 4th Dan: Chris Staach Olsen (Denmark), Nico Ruf (Germany), Brian Thomsen (Denmark), Paul Whinnery (Ireland), 1st Dan: Tobias Amphlet (Germany), Enrico Wasser (Germany)
Examination board: Koichi Shimura, Shuzo Imai, Jimmy Harte, Niko Utriainen, Christina Gutz
German Karate Federation
5th Dan: Christian Christen, Nico Ruf, 3rd Dan: André Lassen, 2nd Dan: Cay-Uwe Dähn, Piotr Jasinski, Gerhard Jauß, Elena Kounadis, Ronny Schmidt, 1st Dan: Daniel Neuenkirchen
Examination board: Shuzo Imai, Bernd Alscher, Christina Gutz
Finally training together again!
Wado ryu seminar with Christina Gutz (7th Dan Wado ryu) and Bernd Alscher (7th Dan Wado ryu) on 09/11/2021 in Berlin. Although the number of participants was limited due to the Covid-19 hygiene measures, it was good to finally train together again at Berlin state level after such a long time. Bernd Alscher and Christina Gutz taught selected Wado ryu partner exercises like Kihon Kumite, Kumite Gata, Tantodori and Kata Chinto. Our thanks go to all participants!
Christina Gutz
Wado ryu Online Training with Christina Gutz
Thank you for attending my seven Wado ryu online trainings since February 2021. We are optimistic that the dojos will open soon. Therefore, the last in this series of trainings was held on May 28, 2021. I was very happy about the participation of more than 80 karateka from different styles and nations like Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden and Hungary. Thank you also for your positive feedback. In conclusion, here are some slides of my training contents of Tenshin Happo, Sente and Sanmi-Ittai and some pictures.
Wado ryu Online Training with Christina Gutz
More than 50 karateka from different nations and different styles are attending the Wado ryu online training since February 2021. Thank you for your positive feedback. Like you, I am convinced that we can only win through an exchange and a joint training. We are united by the idea of budo and the budo principles are the same in all martial arts.
Very gladly I follow your request and offer my Wado ryu online training during the lockdown and the closed dojos and gyms now fortnightly on Friday, odd weeks from 07:30 pm - 09:00 pm (CET): 16 April 2021, 30 April 2021,14 May 2021 … To sign up, please send an email to ch.gutz@gmx.de and you will receive your login information.
It was a great honor and pleasure for me to
teach together with Shuzo Imai the JKF Wado-Kai Seminar with more
than 150 participants in Budapest, 24 - 26 January 2020.
I like to express my respect to the Hungarian Wado instructors. They do a great
work, especially with the children’s groups.
Eight karateka passed the JKF Wado-Kai Dan examination (from 1rd to 4th Dan). Board of examiners: Shuzo Imai, Dr. József Kövesdi, Christina Gutz, Csaba Gali, Tibor Faragó and Ildikó Stefán.
Christina Gutz
Es war eine große Ehre und Freude für mich, zusammen mit Shuzo Imai Sensei den JKF Wado-Kai Lehrgang mit mehr als 150 Teilnehmern in Budapest zu leiten. Mein besonderer Dank geht an Gali Csaba Sensei, seine Familie und Ágnes Geburth für ihre herzliche Gastfreundschaft. Meinen Respekt möchte ich den ungarischen Wado Lehrern aussprechen. Sie leisten eine großartige Arbeit, insbesondere die Kindergruppen betreffend.
18 Karateka bestanden die JKF Wado-Kai Dan-Prüfung (vom 1. bis zum 5. Dan). Mitglieder der Prüfungskommission waren: Shuzo Imai, Dr. József Kövesdi, Christina Gutz, Tibor Faragó, Stefán Ildiko.
Christina Gutz
It was a great honor and pleasure
for me to teach together with Shuzo Imai sensei the JKF Wado-Kai Seminar with more than 150 participants in Budapest. My special thanks go to Gali Csaba sensei, his family and
Ágnes Geburth for their kind hospitality. I like to express my respect to the Hungarian Wado instructors. They do a great work, especially with the children’s groups.
18 karateka passed the JKF Wado-Kai Dan examination (from 1rd to 5th Dan). Board of examiners: Shuzo Imai, Dr. József Kövesdi, Christina Gutz, Tibor Faragó,
Stefán Ildiko.
Christina Gutz
JKF Wado-Kai Seminar with Tracy Bob Foster in Berlin on 23 - 25 November 2018. It is always a pleasure to train together and spend time together!
46rd European Wado-Kai Cup 2018 in Santarém, Portugal.
3rd place for the German team in the nations ranking. Congratulations!
We had a good time in Wadokai Winter Camp in Herrljunga. My thanks go to Shingo Ohgami sensei, the Swedish Wado karateka for all her work and kindness. It was great to see so many Wadokai karateka not only from Sweden, but also from many European countries.
It was an honor for me to be a member of the board of examiners for Dan grading on 02 December, 2017. Thank you for the trust.
Christina Gutz
Thank you for teaching us. Our thanks also go to Dr. Nico Ruf, Wolfgang Deike, KC Nord and ProSport24 for organizing this seminar.
Carlos Molina celebrated with us his 70th birthday and 55 years of karate. More than 70 participants attended this seminar under the subject ‘Tai Sabaki in Budo’.
Congratulations to 35 years Karate Club Nord e. V.: Jubilee seminar on 26 and 27 November 2016 in Berlin. The seminar and the party were a full success!
Auch in diesem Jahr durften wir (Christian Christen, Helge Müller, Claus Morof und Gerhard Jauss) die Gastfreundschaft von JKF Wadokai und vieler Karateka im Großraum Tokio genießen.
Koichi Shimura Sensei (7. Dan JKF Wadokai) hat wie immer für einen vollen Trainingsplan in verschiedenen Dojos gesorgt. Das Training war intensiv und auf hohem technischem Niveau. Kihon, Kata und Kihon Kumite standen 2 bzw. 3 Wochen auf dem Plan. Wir wurden aufmerksam beobachtet und verbessert. Es gibt noch sehr viel zu lernen und zu üben! Daneben kam auch die gesellige Komponente durch gemeinsame Essen nach dem Training nicht zu kurz.
Am Sonntag (19. Sept.) hatten wir das Glück und die Ehre an einem Tagesseminar unter der Leitung von Hideho Takagi Sensei (8. Dan JKF Wadokai) teilnehmen zu können. Viele technische wie historische Erklärungen zum Wado Ryu und Detailverbesserungen durch hohe Repräsentanten des Wadokai in einer außergewöhnlichen Atmosphäre machten die Stunden zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis.
Nun stehen die drei letzten Trainingseinheiten in und um Tokio für uns an und dann heißt es am Samstag (24. Sept) schon wieder Sayonara und hoffentlich bis bald...
Dr. Christian Christen
It was an honor and pleasure for Shuzo Imai (8th Dan Wado ryu) and Christina Gutz (6th Dan Wado ryu) to accept the invitation of the Hungarian Wado ryu association and lead the Wado Kai seminar with almost 200 participants in Budapest/Hungary.
The great motivation of all participants and the good level of the JKF Wado Kai Dan examination candidates were impressive.
Special thanks to Csaba Gali, Ágnes Geburth, Attila Szocs and Jozsef Kövesdi.